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Mictecacihuatl: Azteklerin Ölüm TanrıçasıMictecacihuatl: Azteklerin Ölüm Tanrıçası

On November 24, 1971, an individual known as Dan Cooper hijacked a Northwest Airlines flight from Portland to Seattle. Carrying a briefcase filled with dynamite, he demanded $200,000 and four parachutes. After the FBI fulfilled his demands, the plane took off again and Cooper vanished into the darkness of a cold night by jumping out of the aircraft. This incident, initially misreported as D.B. Cooper, caused significant chaos within both the media and local and federal authorities. Despite extensive operations and unprecedented search efforts, neither the money, Cooper himself, nor the parachute were ever found. It became the first and only unsolved airplane hijacking case in United States history. D.B. Cooper's story transformed into a legend as all investigative leads reached a dead end. The transformation of an unknown man into a myth gradually shrouded all traces as years went by. For more than seventy years, this event continues to disturb anyone who wishes to uncover the events that took place that night and breathe life into one of the most famous composite sketches. The pursuit of D.B. Cooper has become a perfect tale of airplane hijacking and remains one of FBI's greatest mysteries in history.